Due to some complications with my work on Solum, I found that I needed to create an extra project to fully prove what I can do as a games designer.
I took some time to create a Trello, where I would start planning out ideas for what my game could be. I had to make sure I would be able to create it within the three-week period I have been granted via my extension.
Looking back through my ideas from Semester 1, as well as inspirations I’ve seen from games since these ideas formed- ie- Looking Glass. I decided to visit one of the ideas about having your experience from the viewpoint of someone with a mental disorder such as BPD/EUPD.
The full idea I ended up coming up with, went like this:
You are Doe Dearest, your average 20-something who works to the best of their ability but struggles with their mental health a lot. Through the start of the day, you see them go to their classes and once he gets home and started to try and work, he starts to get plagued by the many thoughts that can happen when you are in an emotionally vulnerable place. These thoughts manifest into the persona of Id, the opposite of Doe who is usually happy and bright.
Once again, this game is a personal project that takes a lot from my own experience dealing with my EUPD. It can be brutal with some of the scriptings, but it is there to really shed a light on a subject that I find people can often skirt around when it comes to video games. I am both excited and nervous to showcase this game for both degree shows and through the rest of the Introspective tabs, you can see a look into the process I went through as I made this game with James in a week and a half.